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Submitted: 1/20/18 • Approved: 6/27/19 • Last Updated: 7/13/20 • R148105-G0-S3
PRIVATE Mounted Tennessee Rangers
War of 1812
April 4, 1792 - September 11, 1850
William and Jane Hill came from Tennessee, they entered Texas sometime between 1836 and 1840 at Point Monterey, a post village of Cass County, also known as "old Monterey" it was at the North end of Soda (Caddo) Lake and thirty miles north west of Shreveport, Louisiana.
On December 28, 1841 William Hill was issued a land grant of 640 acres.
William and Jane were the parents of a large family including two sets of twins. Their children were: Caroline, Eliza Jane, John Cole, William Thomas, Mary I., Joseph Russell, Benjamin Franklin, Martha Ann, Daniel Golden (Gould), and Holden Lafayette. Of these children six came to Texas with them.
According to family tradition William Hill was an early freighter who traveled through the open country hauling supplies for this early civilization on our trailways. It was one of these trips he disappeared and so far as his family ever knew was killed by hostile Indians who took his cargo. The family found only his mutilated wagon by which to identify him later.
William and Jane were early pioneers and faithful citizens of Cass County.
(History of Cass County People, By Cass County Genealogical Society, Atlanta, Texas)
Contributed on 1/20/18 by gr2rumble
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Record #: 148105