BATTE, LELIA - Milam County, Texas | LELIA BATTE - Texas Gravestone Photos


Oak Hill Cemetery
Milam County,

December 8, 1887 - February 14, 1961


Funeral services were held 3 p. m. Wednesday at the Cameron First Methodist Church for Mrs. R. L. Batter, Sr., 73, who died at her daughter's home Tuesday.
The Rev. Jewel Strong, pastor of the First Methodist Church, conducted services. Burial was in Oak Hill Cemetery.
She died at the ranch home of her daughter, Miss Mary Belle Batte at 5:15 a. m. Tuesday. Mrs. Batte had been ill for several months.
She was born Dec. 3, 1887 in Cameron, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar F. McAnally. He was editor of The Cameron Herald at the turn of the century.
In 19069 she married R. L. Batte, Sr., who became in later years one of the largest land owners and cotton producers in Milam County.
Besides their own children, Mr. and Mrs. Batte helped raise about 30 children in their home. The Sycamores, which she later cited in a book about her husband. At the time of her death she was contributing to the care of a Korean child she had adopted.
Mrs. Batte was instrumental in establishing the Women's Society of Christian Service in the First Methodist Church and was a past president of the district. She was also active in the United Daughters of the Confederacy, the Children of the Confederacy and the Delphian Club, of which she was a charter member.
In recent years she edited two books of poetry, "Leaves From the Sycamores" and "Perfumed Garden" and wrote the "History of Milam County" and a novel.
"Master of the Sycamores", a tribute to her husband.
Her doll collection, a group of some 400 dolls of wide description, was a chief hobby.
The home she lived in, "The Sycamores," is a historic landmark in the area. The original three or four rooms are more than 100 years old and were a part of an estate belonging to the late Colonel Greene.
Surviving are two daughters, Miss Mary Belle Batte, and Mrs. Joe Hickman of Cameron; a son, Ernest Batte of Tyler; a stepson, R. L. Batte, Jr.; a siser, Mrs. Hugh Conway; two brothers, Dwight McAnally of Dallas and Isaac McAnally of New York City; and a grand daughter, Barbara Jo Hickman, of Cameron.
Pallbearers were: Buddy Shipp, Eldon Batte, John S. Batte, Ernest Batte, Billy Bob Adams, Billy Day and Joe Hickamn.

The Cameron Herald(Cameron, Texas), 16 Feb 1961, Thu, Page 1

Family Members
Oscar Fides McAnally

Ida Joyce McAnally

Robert Lee Batte
1863–1951 (m. 1909)

A J Peeler McAnally

Carroll Maurice McAnally

Oscar Peeler McAnally

Dwight Howard McAnally

Robert Lee Batte

Mortimer Lee Batte

Elma Virginia Batte

Lelia Lee Batte Hickman

Clyde D Batte

Photo courtesy of: Holly Bonorden Jentsch

Contributed on 6/20/20 by lynst.peters62
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Record #: 327241

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Submitted: 6/20/20 • Approved: 6/30/20 • Last Updated: 7/3/20 • R327241-G327241-S3

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