POOL, MARY ELIZABETH - Milam County, Texas | MARY ELIZABETH POOL - Texas Gravestone Photos

Mary Elizabeth POOL

Oak Hill Cemetery
Milam County,

April 7, 1844, Mississippi - November 15, 1927, Cameron, Milam County, Texas



Mrs. I. M. Pool, 83, pioneer resident of Cameron, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Henderson at 3:30 p. m. Tuesday November 15, 1927 following an illness of about one week and a long decline of health.
The death of Mrs. Pool came as a shock to hundreds who knew her in the years she lived in Cameron and her family of five sons and daughters. Her condition while considered grave, did not dispel hope until two or three days before her death, when those at the bedside realized the end was near. Hearts were sad as news came that Mrs. Pool had died.
She bore her suffering with great faith and fortitude, receiving the most devoted attention at the home of Mrs. Henderson who spared no effort to give her comfort and attention during her illness.
Mrs. Pool was born in Mississippi on April 7, 1844 and at the time of her death was 83 years of age.
She moved to Milam county with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Green Powell when a small child and spent her life here and at Stamford where the family resided for a number of years. The family resided at Jones Prairie.
She was married to Isaac M. Pool in 1864 in Cameron while on a visit here. She had met Mr. Pool here and after their marriage they went to Stamford to make their home. They spent a large part of their married life in Stamford where her husband, Isaac M. Pool who died 17 years ago, is buried.
Since the death of her husband, Mrs. Pool has resided with her two daughters, Mrs. Wm. Henderson of Cameron and Mrs. T. A. Robinson of Dallas. The last few years she has spent the major part of her time in Cameron with Mrs. Henderson and her son, H. B. Pool. She was critically ill for three months last summer and was ill for five days before her death.
She is survived by her children as follows: Mrs. Wm. Henderson of Cameron, Judge R. B. Pool of Cameron; Frank Pool of Big Springs; Alvah Pool of Abilene and Will Pool of Brownfield; and Mrs. T. A. Robinson of Dallas.
She was of the Baptist faith, the services being conducted by E. S. Hutcherson with the Coleman-Eplen Company directing the funeral arrangements.
The pallbearers were Tom Robinson, Jr., and Ike Pool Robinson, of Dallas and C. W. Bradbury of Cameron, grandsons; Pat McKinney, Voss Harlan and Jim Baskin, nephews of Cameron.
Funeral services for Mrs. Pool were held in the home of Wm. Henderson at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon with a large concourse of friends attending, paying their devotion to one whom they had known for many years and loved for her fine Christian character and inspiration of life and ideals.
From the home the procession, one of the largest to be seen in this city, was directed to Oak Hill Cemetery where the body was interred. Floral tributes banked the home and lay in great collections over the grave as the family said farewell to the mother who had given her life to her children and the cultivation of their lives and character.
The Herald joins with the host of friends of the family in extending sympathy to the bereaved in their sad and irreparable loss.
Out of town attendants at the funeral were: T. A. Robinson and two sons, Tom Jr., and Ike Pool Robinson of Dallas; Mrs. Paul Dana, Dallas; Mrs. Robert Pool, Jr., Dallas; Dr. and Mrs. H. Clay Watson, Waco; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Strickland of Coolidge; Mr. and Mrs. Will Pool of Brownfield; Alvan Pool of Abilene; Frank Pool of Big Springs.

The Cameron Herald(Cameron, Texas), 17 Nov 1927, Thu, Page 12

Family Members
Green Berry Powell

Martha Tidmore Powell

Isaac Mitchell Pool
1837–1910 (m. 1865)

James L. M. Powell

Henry Carl Powell

George S. Powell

Adam Benson Powell

William S Powell

Margaret Powell Harlan

Della Margaret Pool Henderson

Robert Benjamin Pool

Franklin Pierce Pool

Alvah Ernest Pool

William Elbert Pool

Olive M Pool Robinson

Contributed on 9/25/20 by lynst.peters62
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Record #: 354492

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Submitted: 9/25/20 • Approved: 9/25/20 • Last Updated: 10/4/20 • R354492-G354492-S3

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