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Submitted: 1/22/21 • Approved: 4/2/21 • Last Updated: 4/5/21 • R380831-G380830-S3
February 2, 1868 - January 23, 1927
When news was conveyed to friends over the telephone that a message had been received by relatives Monday morning, announcing the sudden passing of Mrs. Lee Clark, Sunday at the home of her son, Lee, in Lampasas, grief was universal, and a flood of memories were awakened of the days when this good woman was a resident of Rockdale, and where she is still held in affectionate remembrance by a large circle of friends for her charming, personality, sincerity of purpose, and wholesome life.
Within a few hours after the message had been received friends and relatives were on their way to Cameron, via automobile, where they awaited the arrival over the Santa Fe of the body, and relatives who accompanied her.
Arriving at Rockdale, the remains were tenderly conveyed to the First Baptist church, where funeral services were held at 4 o'clock p. m., in the same edifice where she and her family had worshipped, and where her late husband, Lee Clark, was superintendent of the Sunday school for so many years.
Rev. J. A. Hall, pastor in charge, officiated. He was assisted by Rev. Chas. F. Smith, of the Methodist church. Interment was made in the family plot at the historic Old City Cemetery, beside the grave of her late husband and other loved ones. Many beautiful and exquisite floral offerings covered the newly made ground.
Mrs. Clark was stricken with bronchial pneumonia which was only of a few days' duration. Everything that loving hands and medical skill could accomplish was done, but when God calls to "Come up higher," all else is of little avail. She was conscious to the last, and loved life, but declared "she was ready to go if it were God's Will." Her brother, Dr. Strayhorn of San Antonio, had been at the bedside of his sister, and believing her improved, left the previous day, and was unable to reach here for the funeral.
Deceased, as Afton Strayhorn, was the daughter of John M. and Mrs. Strayhorn, pioneers. She was born in Webberville, near Austin, Texas, on February 2, 1867. When still a child, and during reconstruction days, she moved with her parents to Georgetown, and later became one of the early students at Southwestern College, now Southwestern University.
In the year 1885, Afton Strayhorn and Lee Clark were happily united in marriage in the First Baptist Church at Georgetown.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark came to Rockdale 33 years ago last July and were prominent in both church and social life of the city, Mr. Clark being a merchant and business man was ever to the fore in civic and industrial improvement. Here they reared to noble young manhood and womanhood an interesting family, except two children, who died in infancy.
Throughout the trying days when her husband lay ill here for weeks before his death, Mrs. Clark bore herself ever cheerfully, displaying that same Christian fortitude that had marked her life and had been an inspiration to all who came in contact with her. Her home was her castle, and it was here that the religious and socially inclined loved most to linger.
Following the death of Mr. Clark in 1917, Mrs. Clark together with her children moved to Waco. Later, and after the marriage of her daughters, she and an only sister made their home together in Granger, but Mrs. Clark divided her time with her children over the State. She had been spending the winter with a son, Lee, when the end came.
We would pause to breathe, a prayer for the comfort and resignation of the heart-broken children and other loved ones, in this their great bereavement. Her Christian life, the fragrant memory of her tender heart as mother and friend will remain with us a hallowed benediction. Mrs. Clark is survived by the following children, all of whom with their husbands and wives were in attendance upon the funeral: Mrs. Charles R. Ramsel, Fort Worth; Lee Clark, Lampasas; Mesdames L. Fitzpatrick and Jack Davis, Waco; James Clark, Dallas; a sister, Mrs. Alice Pipkin, of Granger, and a brother, Dr. J. M. Strayhorn, of San Antonio. Several grandchildren also survive.
Others attending the funeral were: Mrs. Alice Pipkin, sister; a nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holt of Waco; a brother-in-law, W. I. Clark, Mrs. Clark and Miss Minor Clark of Cameron; a sister-in-law, Mrs. I. P. Sessions of this city; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Morrison and Clark Kelly, and Mrs. G. Tiff Moore of Cameron, were old friends in attendance; also Mrs. Fitzpatrick and Messrs. Duncan and Jackson of Waco.
The active pallbearers were: J. W. Garner, E. A. Camp, Marvin Sessions, Clay Allen, Walter Ramsel, Ted Ryan.
The Rockdale Reporter(Rockdale, Texas), 27 Jan 1927, Thu, Page 2
Family Members
Samuel Marshal Strayhorn
Lee C. Clark
George Y. Strayhorn
Mary Alice Strayhorn Pipkin
John Marshal Strayhorn
Lee Cummings Clark
Contributed on 1/22/21 by lynst.peters62
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Record #: 380831