PERRY, ADA GORDON - Milam County, Texas | ADA GORDON PERRY - Texas Gravestone Photos

Ada Gordon PERRY

Odd Fellows (aka IOOF) Cemetery
Milam County,

January 29, 1850 - June 1, 1927



Mrs. A. P. Perry, mother of our townsman, H. G. Perry, and relict of the late A. P. Perry Sr., died at her home in Rockdale Wednesday morning after a prolonged illness. The funeral is to be held from the family residence, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 5:00 o'clock.
Decedent was one of the pioneer citizens of Rockdale and Milam county, and the news of her departure will be heard with great regret by many friends. An appropriate obituary will appear in these columns next week.

The Rockdale Reporter(Rockdale, Texas), 02 Jun 1927, Thu, Page 7


Death at Rockdale

Mrs. Ada Daniel Perry, Widow Of Pioneer Citizen Dies Suddenly

ROCKDALE, June 1 - Mrs. Ada Daniel Perry, widow of the late A. P. Perry, pioneer cotton buyer and property owner, died suddenly at her home in this city Wednesday morning. She was a native of Mississippi and a niece of General John B. Gordon. Two sons survive, Sam P. Perry of Beaumont and Harry G. Perry of this city.

The Waco News-Tribune(Waco, Texas) 02 Jun 1927, Thu, Page 8

Family Members
Jane M. Gordon Daniel

Alvin Peter Perry
1844-1922 (m. 1871)

Mary Eliza Daniel

Emma G. Daniel Murphee

Albion Daniel

M. McNairy Daniel

Emma Perry

Andrew Preston Perry

Samuel Bell Perry

Harry Gordon Perry

Infant Daughter Perry

Contributed on 1/23/21 by lynst.peters62
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Record #: 381305

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Additional PERRY Surnames in ODD FELLOWS (AKA IOOF) Cemetery

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Submitted: 1/23/21 • Approved: 4/2/21 • Last Updated: 4/5/21 • R381305-G381305-S3

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