ERRINGTON SHARP, JESSIE D. HAZEL - Wheeler County, Texas | JESSIE D. HAZEL ERRINGTON SHARP - Texas Gravestone Photos


Wheeler Cemetery
Wheeler County,

Jessie D. Hazel
October 25, 1910-May 10, 1950

Pamala Lynn
January 14, 1949-May 10, 1920

At Rest

*Photo, courtesy of Robert L. Jones
*Information, courtesy of Edith Guynes Stanley

*Obituary Jessie and Pamala
Funeral services for Mrs. W.E. Sharp and her small daughter were conducted from the First Baptist Church in Wheeler last Saturday afternoon at 5:00 o'clock with Rev. A.C. Wood in charge. Rev. M.B. Smith and Rev. J.M. Bryant assisted with the services.

Mrs. Sharp and the daughter as well as the driver of the car, a resident of Bakersfield, Calif., whose name is not known here, were killed in an automobile accident at Saunders, Apache County, Arizona, which is some few miles on west of Gallup, N.M.

The accident in which the three were killed occurred about 3:15 a.m. Wednesday morning, May 10 as the Sharps were returning to their home in California after visiting relatives at Wheeler and Mobeetie.

The bodies arrived via rail at 2:40 p.m. last Saturday and were brought overland in a Kirk-Mason ambulance to Wheeler for funeral services and interment in the Wheeler Cemetery.

Pall bearers were: Troy Miller, G.B. Anderson, Olan Smith, Albert Anderson, Amos May and Harry Wofford.

Flower attendants were: Mrs. Amos May, Mrs. Joe Tilley, Mrs. Luther Parks, Mrs. Olan Smith, Mrs. G.B. Anderson, Mrs. Troy Miller, Mrs. Albert Anderson and Mrs. Julia Williams.

Mrs. Jessie D. Hazel Sharp was born at Ranger, October 25, 1910 and met her death in an automobile accident at Saunders, Arizona, May 10, 1950 at the age of 39 years, 6 months and 15 days. She was the daughter of the late R.E. Errington of Wheeler.

Pamila [sic] Lynn Sharp was born at Bakersfield, Calif., January 14, 1949 and died from injuries in the same acident [sic] with her mother on May 10, 1950 at the age of 1 year, 3 months and 26 days.

Mrs. Sharp is survived by the husband, W.E. Sharp; one son, Carl Douglas Scott; two brothers, J.R. Errington of Amarillo and R.E. Errington of Wheeler; four sisters, Mrs. J.T. Wallis of Mobeetie, Mrs. W.O. Jones of Amarillo, Mrs. Bert Pace of Hereford, and Mrs. Dave Crockett of Bakersfield, California.

(Published in The Wheeler Times, Wheeler, Texas, Volume XVII, Number 23, Thursday, May 18, 1950, Page 1)

Contributed on 12/20/21

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Record #: 474394

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Additional ERRINGTON SHARP Surnames in WHEELER Cemetery

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Submitted: 12/20/21 • Approved: 12/20/21 • Last Updated: 12/23/21 • R474394-G474393-S3

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