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Submitted: 3/1/22 • Approved: 3/1/22 • Last Updated: 3/4/22 • R496040-G496038-S3
Ralph H.
Ethel L.
*Photo, courtesy of Mary (Coggin) Russell
*Information, courtesy of Edith Guynes Stanley
*Obituary Ralph
Ralph Barnett, 53-year-old pioneer Hereford citizen, widely known throughout this section, died suddenly at about 5:15 o'clock Tuesday morning of heart failure. Shortly after he left a cafe where he had eaten breakfast, his body was found in front of Black's Furniture Company.
Funeral services were to be held at Black's funeral Home this afternoon at 2 o'clock, following the arrival of members of his immediate family from California. The rites were to be conducted by Rev. T.C. Willett, pastor of the First Methodist church.
Mr. Barnett was manager of the Hereford Insurance Company. Apparently in the best of health Monday night when he had a long talk with C.A. Skelton and at about 5 o'clock Tuesday morning when he had breakfast at Flowers Cafe, he left the cafe to go to his office. A few minutes later the body was discovered.
Relatives were notified, and a son, Paul Barnett, of Pampa, and J. Ray of Amarillo, a brother-in-law, came to make arrangements for the last rites. Mrs. Barnett and a daughter, Virginia, were to arrive this morning from Los Angeles, where they are making their home.
A familiar figure here for about 30 years, Mr. Barnett came to Hereford shortly after 1900 from Whitesboro, where he was born August 26, 1882, and reared. He was at first associated with the Hubbard and Barnett Mercantile Company and later engaged in real estate, insurance and other business. He served as postmaster of Hereford from 1912 to 1916, at which time he resigned. In 1934 he and A.M. Jones entered the insurance business, and about a year later he obtained Mr. Jones' interest and gave the company its present name.
Survivors include Mrs. Barnett, son and daughter, two brothers, Lee Barnett of Alameda, California, and Frank Barnett of Kingsville, and two sisters, Mrs. J. Ray of Amarillo and Mrs. Frank Barrow of Whiteboro [sic].
(Published in The Hereford Brand, 30th Year-Number 21, Hereford, Texas, Thursday, May 28, 1936, Page 1)
Texas, Marriage Index, 1824-2014
Name: Ralph H. Barnett
Marriage Date: 18 Jan 1905
Marriage Place: Deaf Smith, Texas, USA
Spouse: Ethelynn J. Wright
U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Name: Ralph Hauston Barnett
[Ralph Houston Barnett]
Race: White
Birth Date: 26 Aug 1882
Residence Date: 1917-1918
Residence Place: Deaf Smith County, Texas, USA
Physical Build: Medium
Height: Medium
Hair Color: Light
Eye Color: Blue
Relative: T. S. Barnett
Texas, Death Index, 1903-2000
Name: Ralph H Barnett
Death Date: 26 May 1936
Death County: Deaf Smith
Certificate: 25188
Texas, Death Certificates, 1903-1982
Name: Ralph H Barnett
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age: 52
Birth Date: 26 Aug 1882
Birth Place: Whitesborro, texas
Residence: Hereford, Texas, USA
Death Date: 26 May 1936
Death Place: Hereford, Deaf Smith, Texas, USA
Father: Thomas S Barnett
Mother: Mary Roberts
Spouse: Ethlynn Bannett
*Obituary Ethel
Last Rites For Mrs. Barnett This Afternoon
Funeral services will be held at the Black Funeral Home here this afternoon at three o'clock for Mrs. Ralph Barnett, 62 years old, who died at 10:30 yesterday morning in an Amarillo hospital.
Mrs. Barnett underwent a major operation several weeks ago and failed to rally.
Rev. Lawrence Bridges will officiate at the funeral rites.
Born in Hamilton County Texas, June 25, 1882, Mrs. Barnett came to Hereford with her family in 1902 from Coleman.
She was married to Ralph Barnet [sic] at Hereford in 1905 and had continued to live here except for a few years spent in California. Recently she had made her home with her brother, Ben Wright, of Hereford.
Mrs. Barnett was a member of the Christian Church and was closely identified with the church and civic life of Hereford for many years.
Survivors include one son, Paul Wright Barnett, who is with the U.S. Army, overseas, and a daughter, Virginia L. Barnett, of 425 S. Cataline St., Los Angeles, Calif. Miss Barnett was called to Hereford a couple of weeks ago by the serious illness of her mother.
(Published in The Hereford Brand, 44th Year - Number 37, Hereford, Texas, Thursday, September 14, 1944, Page 1,12)
Texas, Marriage Index, 1824-2014
Name: Ethelynn J. Wright
Marriage Date: 18 Jan 1905
Marriage Place: Deaf Smith, Texas, USA
Spouse: Ralph H. Barnett
Texas, Death Index, 1903-2000
Name: Ethel Wright Barnett
Death Date: 13 Sep 1944
Death County: Potter
Certificate: 44297
Texas, Death Certificates, 1903-1982
Name: Ethel Wright Barnett
[Ethel Wright Wright]
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age: 62
Birth Date: 25 Jun 1882
Birth Place: Hamilton, Texas
Residence: Hereford, Deaf Smith, Texas, USA
Death Date: 13 Sep 1944
Death Place: Amarillo, Potter, Texas, USA
Father: Harry E Wright
Mother: Louise Newman
Contributed on 3/1/22 by neldapat
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Record #: 496040